We have the largest property database in Greece, with access to prime real estate for sale or for lease. We can suggest properties in the best areas of Attica and in the part Athens which is beside the sea and next to Europe's largest park in Helleniko.
Property prices in Greece have declined significantly in recent years. We can recommend properties in the city, next to Metro stations and tram lines with prices starting from 500 euro per m²
Country houses within 1 hour’s drive of the centre of the capital, on nearby islands and throughout Greece.
Commercial properties, hotels, camp sites, apartments, shops, car parks, logistics, warehouses, service stations and offices. These are available for rental or for purchase, as some of them are already leased and are performing very well.
Land, coastal areas, farms, islands.
We offer islands for sale or rent with buildings that are ready to be occupied and provide you with boats so that you can access them.
So that we can meet your needs as fully as possible, our company works closely with property owners, engineers, architects and surveyors so that we can provide you with the dossier on every property you are interested in immediately.
We can lease out a residential or business property that you buy in Greece.
We will bring you into direct contact with the property owners so that the best possible deal can be negotiated.
We can rent the perfect property for you to stay in while you visit Greece, for any length of time from 7 to 365 days a year. We have a number of furnished and unfurnished properties throughout Greece.
Rely on us to find the type of property you are interested in at a price that suits the funds you have available for investment. We will immediately send you our suggestions, with full details, photos and addresses, so that you can look at the property on Google Maps & Streetview. If you are interested, we can, on request, send you an invitation to visit Greece so that you can see the property for yourself.